Wednesday 28 October 2009

Brazil's Mega Sena lotto

Online Lottery Review: Mega-Sena Brazilian's love to bet as much as any other nation. They have their nationwide adored main lottery called Mega-Sena.It is certainly the biggest Lottery game in Brazil.

Brazil Mega Sena draws are announced two times a week, once on Wednesday and on Saturday. The lottery ticket costs $1.50 for the smallest bet which gives you the opportunity to choose up to 6 numbers.

In the first grid, there are 0 to 5 number balls and in the other one there are 0 to 9 number balls.

Some useful insight on playing Mega Sena lottery

If you visit Brazil, you can visit one of the many (every corner literally) tickect vendors shop or browse the internet in order to buy the Mega Sena lotto tickets online. If you speak Portuguese, you can read all the rules on the backside of the lotto ticket.

You can hit the prizes if you are able to score 4 or 5 or 6 points in the game. However, if you are not able to get 6, you do not have to fret as there are prizes offered on other combinations as well.

Winners are given only 90 days to claim their prizes, and sums of up 800 reais can be claimed directly at any ticket vendor. For prices higher than that you can collect your winning amount at the Caixa Economica Federal Bank, which is the regulatory agency for Mega-Sena and other lotteries in Brazil.

Thursday 22 October 2009

The Primitive Fat, huh?

Online Lottery: El Gordo site If you are a fan of the Spanish Lottery, El Gordo (as far as I know not affiliated to the Spanish government) brings some interesting info about how to play the Primitiva.


That would have been the translation I would have had should have used a dictionary to translate El Gordo de la Primitiva into English. Me-trying-to-be-funny aside, El Gordo de la Primitiva is the major and prefered lottery ticket of the Spanish people. The game is regulated by the Spanish organization ONLAE (Loterias y Apuestas del Estado).
A note about the translation: El Gordo de La Primitiva can be translated into English as "the One" or the "the Jackpot" if we are referring to lottery...

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Euro-Millions - The European Online Lottery!

Euro-Millions European LotteryEuro-Millions is Europe's major lottery covering many of the European countries, including to date France, the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland.As the number of participants is greater than any single country alone, the prizes are also substantially higher.

Despite Euro-Millions pan-European character, the draws are still carried out at Française des Jeux every Friday.

For those who either do not have access to a kiosk, or who wish to play Euro-millions online, there are a number of syndicated vendors to choose from.

I will be writing about each single one of them, and do my best to carry you through the process of playing the lottery online. If you have any questions about Euro-millions, drop me a line. I'll be more than happy to do the research for you!

If you've already played the Euro-Millions this week, I'm crossing fingers for you! Good luck! :-)

Tuesday 20 October 2009

I'm an online lottery millionaire!!!! :-)

The Internet abounds with scams of all sorts. Who of you have never received an Email from a poor sod who died tragically somewhere in Equatorial Africa and left behind unbelievable sums of money?

I don't know about you, but I used to have the habit of replying to these Emails and starting a whole conversation - always pretending to be highly interested - and see where that would take me. Obviously, the person on the on the other side of the Internet line is trying to suck as much information out of you, and money, so that, if all your money, at least enough to pay the one-dollar-a-day salary the unfortunate scam-worker receives.

What a waste of good English! (yes, because usually these Emails are written in beautifully crafted texts which would Shakespeare to shame.)

Anyway, this week I received the following Email from an Online lottery scheme (scam, better said):

Area Anardi, 155, 28090
Madrid. Spain

REF No: ES5687SPL876S
TICKET No: 20511465463-7644

You have just been awarded the sum of 950,000,00 Euros Only which
was won by your E-MAIL Address in our EUROMILLIONES de la Primitiva Lottery
Promotions here in spain madrid. Do get back to our agent with your
requirement via

(National lottery agent)
Name: Mr. Carlos manuel

Well, according to Mr. Manuel I have to provide him with all my relevant and mostly private information so that I can claim my fortune... Oh Gosh!!!

Does the name "Euromillones" ring a bell? It should as it pretty my sounds like the famous, and respectable Euro Millions, the famous lottery for the European countries.

So guys, beware and don't be fooled! If you have any doubts, don't take any action before you visit the Site Scam Watch. There you will be able to find loads of information about Internet scams, big and small.


Hello everybody!

Welcome to my blog ONLINE LOTTERY REVIEW! I hope to be posting some news and my own reviews about the world of online lottery, its advantages, disadvantages, lottery winners, lottery results and more.

The main focus of this blog is to bring you news of sites online where you can play the lottery. Today, there are just so many that you can hardly know the one to choose, and, in many cases whether the lotteries these sites represent are trustworthy.

I will count on your participation as, like you, I am a beginner to this new world. I will always do my best to prevent bring you any kind of information that is inaccurate. In any case, if you find any mistakes, or you would like to give me your personal input on the online lottery sites I present here, drop me a line!

So, till my next post comes along, keep well!

Your online lottery friend,
