Monday 2 November 2009

The History of France lottery

Online Lottery Review the French lottery
King Francis was the first one to bring in lottery for the first time into France in the year 1505. After that the lotteries in France were banned for nearly two centuries. But after that they again came into the play in the end of the seventeenth century which was called as “public lottery”. These were regulated by Paris municipality namely Loferie de L’Hotel de Ville. This lottery was mainly started for religious purpose and was a private one. This lottery was for nuns that are in the convents.

From then onwards lottery started gaining wide attention from the religious worshippers nearly in the eighteenth century and the amount gathered was use to build up around fifteen churches in the Paris, among them two of them were St. Sulpice and Le Pantheon. Initially the king did not supported funding religious matters and so gave permission to carrying out the lotteries. However in the other of the half of the century it was observed that lotteries generated huge amount of money which created a fight between the monarchy and the Church for lottery control. Then in 1774, Loterie de L’Ecole Militaire was founded by the monarchy particularly Madame de Pompadour mainly to purchase what is called as Champ de Mars in Paris today and also build up Napoleon Bonaparte with forbidding other lotteries however exceptional prevail.

Later on this lottery got a name Loterie Royale de France. Prior to 1789 in which the French revolution took place the contribution of this lottery that is Loterie Royale de France was about five to seven percent in the total French revenues. However in the eighteenth century philosophers like Voltaire and some bishops were of the opinion that lotteries take the advantage of the poor people and complained about it. This topic had created debates in written as well as oral about the ethics of the lottery. The idealist of the French revolution complained about all the lotteries comprising of the state lottery as they believed that rich took the advantage of the poor people wages through this lottery practice.

After this, lottery again came into existence in the year 1936 which will be called as lotto. This came into existence as there was a need to increase state revenue by the socialist. After this the La Francaise des Jeux which is a government owned body took over the monopoly on majority of the games that took place in the France which also comprised lottery in it. About the mass guillotine execution in France, there were reports on lottery. In earlier times game was played as: on the head of every person a number was placed and once the executions where done, one of the people was pulled in by the executioner and the people who mat6ched those numbers were the winners. The numbers in that game were three to five digit long.

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